
Feb 15, 2014

February XOHV

It’s February, and I feel like I’m still in the midst of the New Year whirlwind. December and January were as hectic as one would expect. Aside from holidays and family, there was also two illnesses, a move from my home office to a regular office, a possible move into a new home and a big shift in family dynamics. So while life has been a little too busy to write about – I have been documenting.

I had a free afternoon to walk around my neighborhood. Lucky for me I married a filmmaker:

I played with cats.

I celebrated 2 years at my company with a vegan King Cake.

I had a great hair day.

And my dirty curtains were featured on Food Network’s The Kitchen. They did a “Big Game” episode which briefly featured the vegan snackadium that Food for Lovers made last year. Cool!

Amidst that fun; however, there was a lot stress. So much stress that it impacted my immune system, and I got an old man disease (yeah shingles!). A few weeks ago my husband asked me why I hadn’t been blogging. Clearly, I’ve been too busy, stressed, sick, etc, but he suggested that maybe I would be more relaxed if I did something that, you know, relaxes me.

He’s so right. We all have moments where we’re conceited enough to think the world rests on our shoulders. The truth is none of us hold that much responsibility, and we should allow time for things that are just for us. So here I am. I haven’t cooked anything cool, but I did make these amazing vegan Kisses for Valentine’s Day:

I made them for the office hence the “Food for Lovers <3” feature. The idea was from Fork and Beans! She’s a genius.

FYI – I love ya’ll.